tonight undistracted like termites rain riddles my
insular home through chain-link fences tendrils of
undergrowth creep division by division pirouetting
pixels & audio bits loudly reduplicate reality the next
room over upon a silent guitar stretch 6 strings 17
interlocking keys stop the holes of the concert flute
the composer has scored the staves of his symphony by
bar line section chair & page number DNA directs the 3-
odd billion human base sequence long tiny threads weave
myriad minute holes in rolls of white broadcloth bright
seawater scintillates light in interactive waves double-
articulations of speech stir neuro-electric emulsions of
meaning processes of consciousness compose infinite
apparent otherness the rain empties from each shingle of
each roof back into the tabula aqua underlying seamless
nothingness appending space the eons the circling
seasons the halting interminable parade of hours of
solitaire presuppose antecedent hypnotic future
oneself without end no death of being only running
clocks stop time
Kevin Cornwall © All rights reserved.